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The placement and design of a compressed air system is a task that requires careful consideration, taking into account the design of the compressor room, its location, infrastructure, ventilation, and potential future expansions. These factors can determine the performance and efficiency of the compressed air system.
Compressed air is an essential component in many industrial applications. However, microbial contamination in compressed air, including bacteria, fungi, viruses, and algae, can adversely affect industrial processes and product quality.
We often receive requests from a large number of customers who hope to add new compressor equipment. Many of these customers are prompted by internal clients, such as production workshops, presenting a pressing concern: poor air flow.
The normal operating temperature of an air compressor typically ranges between 75°C to 95°C. One of the common air compressor failure is overheating of the air compressor. For screw air compressors, operating temperatures exceeding 100°C will cause high-temperature alarms or shutdowns within the system.
During the operation of a screw air compressor, we will meet various abnormal noises, such as metallic impacts, uniform knocking, or harsh noises, which are quite annoying. To solve these problems, we must find the causes and take appropriate measures.
In the application of air compressors, the issue of compressor exhaust has always been a major concern for users.